May 1, 2023

Why do sales CRMs fail? I see too many companies putting in place a sales CRM and then stop using it after a few months… or just not achieving the full benefits from the powerful tool it should be. This is especially true for the management of customer interactions and improvement of sales conversions to maximise ROI. 

In this blog, I will explore some of the reasons why people stop using a sales CRM and what can be done to prevent it.

1. Lack of User Adoption

One of the main reasons why people stop using a sales CRM is that they do not adopt it into their daily routine. This can happen for several reasons, including a lack of training, poor user experience, or simply being too busy to take the time to learn a new system. If the system is difficult to use or doesn’t provide the desired value, users are less likely to use it consistently. 

To prevent this, businesses should ensure that their CRM system is easy to use, intuitive, and provides value to the end-users. They should also ensure that the CRM system is properly integrated with other tools that sales people use regularly, such as email, calendars, and project management systems. 

Most CRM providers provide training videos on how to optimise their system for what you want to use it for. Get in touch if you are finding it difficult to find this support. 

2. Overcomplicated Features

Another reason why people stop using a sales CRM is that it has too many features that are not relevant to their needs. While having a wide range of features is important, it’s also important to choose a CRM that is tailored to your business’s specific needs.

Before selecting a CRM, it’s important to assess your business’s requirements and choose a system that aligns with your goals. This will ensure that your team is using the features that are relevant to their day-to-day tasks.

Try our CRM Quiz to choose if you are using the right CRM for your business or to find out which one is best for you. Alternatively, get in touch to discuss your needs and compatibility with the CRM you are using at the moment.

3. Poor Data Quality

A sales CRM is only as good as the data that is entered into it. If your team is not inputting accurate and up-to-date information, the CRM becomes less valuable. Worse, if the system contains incorrect or outdated information, users will be less likely to rely on it for decision-making purposes. 

This can lead to frustration and a lack of trust in the system, which can ultimately result in people abandoning it altogether.

To prevent this, businesses should ensure that their CRM system is properly configured, and data is consistently updated. They need to help users understand the importance of data accuracy. 

Get in touch if you can’t seem to find support from the CRM creator on this subject. Or.. take our free “How To” mini sales course for a practical, step-by-step guide on getting the best from your CRM including imputing data. 

4. Lack of Integration with other platforms

Another common reason why people stop using a CRM is a lack of integration with other systems. If the CRM system is not integrated with other tools that sales people use, such as calendars, e-mail or lead generation tools, users may be forced to use multiple systems, which can be time-consuming and frustrating.

To prevent this, businesses should ensure that their CRM system is properly integrated with other tools that they use regularly, and if not… to find out how to do this so that the CRM is more efficient to use. 

If this is all ringing true and you don’t know what to do to improve your use of your current CRM, why not take our free “How To” mini sales course for a practical, step-by-step guide on unlocking the full potential of your sales CRM.

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