Mastering Sales: What’s changed in the last 10 years?

Looking back at my last 10-years as a sales consultant and trainer in the UK, I feel a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. Sales, particularly in the

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How to Achieve Your Sales Goals in 2024: 3 Essential Steps to Start Strong

It’s 2024…already!! I’m hoping you all have written your Sales Strategies for this year? A strategy for growth revenue via existing clients & and new opportunities. For the

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Investing in Excellence: Why Formal Sales Training Courses are a Game-Changer uk

In sales, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage – it's a necessity. With UK markets evolving rapidly and customer expectations constantly shifting, businesses must

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Relieving the Pressure of Sales: Strategies for Success and Well-being

I recently visited Iceland, took this picture and it inspired me to write this blog! Sales can be a high-pressure profession. The constant pursuit of targets, the need

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Why Sales CRMs Fail and How to Maximise ROI

Why do sales CRMs fail? I see too many companies putting in place a sales CRM and then stop using it after a few months… or just not

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What advice would I give my younger sales self?

#askcarlyn No.2 In this #askcarlyn, Carlyn answers a question her client asked her, "what would you advice your younger self"? She gives great advice on three things she

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Why is my sales pipeline so slow?

#askcarlyn No.1 In this #askcarlyn, Carlyn answers the question why is my sales pipeline is so slow? She gives great advice on how to speed it up. Watch

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How to Optimise Your Sales in this Economic Storm

It’s rare that I discuss politics in public… I am not a politician and have no desire to be!  It would be remiss of me to ignore the

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All’s SALES in Love & War!

Excuse the cringy pun .. It’s just that I realised the other day that when I teach sales, I use a lot of analogies that relate to both

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Could moving house be as stressful as hitting sales targets?

I moved house the beginning of this month…. (picture is of my remaining boxes!)  What a palaver!  People were telling me it was the most stressful thing after divorce… So

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