Mastering Sales: What’s changed in the last 10 years?

Looking back at my last 10-years as a sales consultant and trainer in the UK, I feel a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. Sales, particularly in the

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A Mindset Shift from ‘I Hate Sales’ to ‘Sales is Fun’  

I wish I could have £1 for everyone that I have heard say “I Hate Sales”. There is such a negativity around sales, especially if it’s not the

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Investing in Excellence: Why Formal Sales Training Courses are a Game-Changer uk

In sales, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage – it's a necessity. With UK markets evolving rapidly and customer expectations constantly shifting, businesses must

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Why Sales CRMs Fail and How to Maximise ROI

Why do sales CRMs fail? I see too many companies putting in place a sales CRM and then stop using it after a few months… or just not

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The Best Top 5 Strategies for Closing More Sales

I know it’s a cliché title, but I thought I needed to write a blog on this as closing a sale is the ultimate goal for any salesperson.

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The silly things people do in scary movies… sales analogy.

It’s that time of the year when there are loads of scary movies available to watch .. if you dare! For a “thrill”, I’m going to create a silly

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The Top Sales Crimes of B2B Salespeople

I thought I would share with you the top sales crimes of B2B salespeople that stop them from optimising their sales process and as a result reduce sales

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Sales podcast – March 2022

Watch our recent sales podcast to find out what Obi from Action Coach All about Growing Sales in Your Business through better Sales Conversion Rates and Improving Sales

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3 Top Tips To Write Better Sales Proposals

Are your sales proposals & presentations letting you down? How do you know?  Let me ask you 2 simple questions… What is your conversion rate of sales after

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Cold Sales Calls or E-mails – Which is best?

I speak to many salespeople and the jury is out! I suggest it’s 50:50 preference on what to choose between cold sales calls and e-mails for sales outreach.

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